Teams Assessment Performance Improvement
Teams assessments will see significant speed and performance improvement now that the connection to each SharePoint site is removed during the Assessment stage.
G Suite (Gmail API) Improvement
During Verify Credentials, MigrationWiz will also verify the credentials for contacts and calendars. If the verification fails, warnings will be shown. This applies for G Suite (Gmail API) endpoints, either as Source or Destination.
Improved Projects Search Criteria
Users can now search by project name, mailbox, address, path or library across all project types and customers.
Improved Projects Page Navigation Toolbar
A new separate dropdown menu has been added to the project page navigation toolbar to distinguish between Apply Licenses and Outlook Reconfiguration. It is now easier to manage UMB license, DeploymentPro and HealthCheck. Previously, these actions were collapsed/hidden under a ‘More’ menu.
Screen Resize Bug Fix
Previously, on certain screen resolutions, the sort and filter icon disappears. This bug has been fixed.