From the U.S. Snowden leaks that sparked wide-spread alarm over the implications of insufficient privacy and security, to Europe’s new data protection regulations, citizens continue to feel just as strongly about protecting their information. As companies and public cloud providers voyage into new and unexplored territories, digital security becomes an even greater point of concern than ever before.
Recent IDC research shows that Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM reached 40% market share in Europe. For these four major U.S. public cloud providers, EU expansion speaks volumes about consumer demand. Does it also mean that users are giving up their user security and safety just to get ahead with the cloud?
In short, no – not yet. Companies are working to strike a balance between the easy expansion of public services and the security of private cloud. For many businesses, though, the public cloud is far from enough to meet their demands and needs. In response, public providers are making moves to become more private—developing regional data centers and setting the foundation for private cloud evolution. However, in order for consumer information to really be secure, users must be able to attain the transparency and specialization of a true private cloud.
So, go ahead and look forward to the expansion of reliable and secure storage in the cloud—this time, with the help of private providers. Your users will thank you.