Modern MSPs Win with High-Value, High-Margin Cloud Services Reselling licenses does not yield a high-value business. Let’s say you’ve been reselling XaaS apps licenses at $50 per user per year with a 20% reseller commission. As a license-only business, you...
Microsoft SMB Partners: Know Thy Competencies And Incompetencies Most Microsoft Partners that focus on small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are themselves SMBs. No SMB, whether customer or partner, can afford to pay for skilled people who mostly sit on the bench....
Begun The Cloud War Has! The Cloud War?! It’s not quite as dramatic as Yoda ominously announcing the start of the Clone Wars. It’s legacy vendors and distributors (who rely on channel partners for a huge amount of their sales) rushing to claim business with...
CX Management: Who’s The Best (Plus Metrics For Success!), Part Two In our first post, I talked about what CX (customer experience) can mean to different people, working on a CX strategy for your business and finally, what building a superior customer experience...
Crafting a Recurring-Revenue Sales Plan The right sales plan plays a vital role in achieving sustainable and growing revenue for any business. As an organization transitions to a recurring revenue approach, the right sales compensation program becomes even more...
The Gross Profit Challenge What obstacles do value-added resellers, IT solution providers and managed service providers face? The old profit pools are shrinking, and if you’re a leading channel company you are under pressure to sustain your blended gross margin...